How to save fuel on the tractor

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One of the main expenses of the majority of farmers is the fuel of their agricultural machinery. Choosing a suitable tractor to the farm is vital to save fuel but it is not the only thing that we have to take into account. The big tractors of today are much more powerful and offer us very high yields but fuel consumption is something that is linked to them.

What factors affect fuel consumption?

Interior de tractor Claas

With the increase in the price of diesel it is normal that you want to maximize your performance and for this you must take into account the factors that influence consumption:

  1. Tires: it is important to choose the agricultural tire well and regulate it with the right pressure for the work that we are going to carry out.
  2. Weighted: it is necessary to take into account that the ballasting is an advantage but doing it in excess or defect can cause an increase in fuel consumption.
  3. Engine operating regime: selecting the correct regime while working is another factor that can vary the consumption.

This last factor is one of the most important since it is not the same to carry the blocked differential (ideal for soft or wet floors, where the tractor demands more power or works heavier) or the double traction (used for the positions of the economic take-over, especially if the tractor demands little power).

What engine regime to use to save fuel on the tractor?

Driving efficiently we can save a lot of fuel. In light work (60 or 65% of the nominal regime) and in heavy work we should look for a relationship around 300 rpm (85% of the maximum power). It is understood by light work that of carrying a cultivator or a harrow whereas a heavy one could be the subsoiler, for example.

The 7 commandments to save fuel with your tractor

That said, we take the opportunity to tell you what are the rules to save fuel:

  1. Carry an optimal driving according to the type of work (light or heavy) and the appropriate configuration (differential lock, double traction or low engine speed depending on the conditions).
  2. Work in adequate soil conditions. Well if the soil is very humid the tractor will demand much more power. In some climates this is impossible but in others we can plan to avoid working with an inadequate soil.
  3. Choose the right tires with the correct pressure for each task and ballast them properly.
  4. Minimize the skidding of the tractor, avoiding wasting energy.
  5. Choose the correct tools and regulate the tractor well.
  6. The PTO should rotate to the appropriate regime and use the economical when possible.
  7. Choose the right tractor and perform maintenance to the letter.

Remember that not only will you be saving fuel and money, but you will also reduce CO2 emissions by working in a more environmentally friendly way.

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