3 reasons to buy agricultural machinery

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When we consider buying agricultural machinery we always think of the two options: new or used. The truth is that the agricultural machinery used, has gained a lot of ground in recent years and that is due to the great advances in the sector. Newer companies and the drive of agencies to help consumers have led farmers to get rid of their older and, often, not so old implements.

The agricultural machinery of occasion reviewed by professionals, as it is the one that we sell in Agricultural Curtis, usually is in very good state. In addition to that, when purchased in an official workshop, usually enjoy a guarantee that the agricultural machine of individuals does not usually have. That allows us to enjoy an extra tranquility.

What are the 3 main reasons why you buy used agricultural machinery?

If you ask yourself what are the 3 main reasons, surely some of them already fall under their own weight:

The used agricultural machinery is cheaper

The main reason, without a doubt, is the economic cost. The agricultural machinery used usually has a much more competitive and attractive price. In many occasions it is the best way to advance in our exploitation and according to our level of purchasing power, it may be the best option for us.

But not only the price of machinery is cheaper, but we save a lot of money in taxes and we can even enjoy a much lower loss of value. If we add that many agricultural concessionaires offer us financing, what do we lose by trying?

We help to recycle

Another thing that allows us the used agricultural machinery is to let the accessories or vehicles do not turn into scrap so easily. On many occasions a farmer or rancher changes his machinery because it no longer adapts to his exploitation. That this machinery can have a new use helps us to reuse resources and that is not contaminated so much. In other cases, as in the case of tractors, it may be interesting to go to the newer models because they pollute less and offer comforts that we do not find in the old tractors.

In others, where for example the years are not so noticeable, an old tractor may be the best option. In brush clearing there are certain tractors that are very sought after for their high resistance to day to day.

Maquinaria usada en Agricola Curtis

We can test our farm or explore new trails

Thanks to cost savings, buying second hand agricultural machines we can test certain parts of the farm. Many times it is impossible to buy certain machines or tools for the cost of them and making the investment in a good used we can save a lot of money, making it possible for us to do with certain machines even if they are something older or have some type of use.

And you? Do you think that there are more reasons than this to buy used agricultural machinery or considered that the best thing is to get a new one? In Agricola Curtis, apart from working with certain brands such as CLAAS, Sulky, Lemken, Monosem and Sgariboldi we also sell used agricultural machinery, click here to see all the equipment.

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